Monday 23 May 2011

Biotechnology Questions

1. Biotechnology is technology involving living organisms and technology.

2. The people who would benefit from this technology would be people who have one of their body part disabled or people who were born without an arm or leg. The advantages of Biotechnology would be that people who were born without a hand could have the opportunity to try a hand and live with it for maybe the rest of their lives, and for people who got their arm disabled by an accident can have a working arm back which would help them carry on their daily life.

3. I think It depends. It would be ethical if you have no functioning arm or if you were born without one. But if you have a working arm that functions perfectly then I think it’s not ethical, because you already have an arm that works perfectly why would you need to change it. And the consequences are if the operation fails you wouldn't get a better arm you would lose one.

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