Friday 27 May 2011

Monday 23 May 2011

Biotechnology Questions

1. Biotechnology is technology involving living organisms and technology.

2. The people who would benefit from this technology would be people who have one of their body part disabled or people who were born without an arm or leg. The advantages of Biotechnology would be that people who were born without a hand could have the opportunity to try a hand and live with it for maybe the rest of their lives, and for people who got their arm disabled by an accident can have a working arm back which would help them carry on their daily life.

3. I think It depends. It would be ethical if you have no functioning arm or if you were born without one. But if you have a working arm that functions perfectly then I think it’s not ethical, because you already have an arm that works perfectly why would you need to change it. And the consequences are if the operation fails you wouldn't get a better arm you would lose one.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Future Technology

I think future technology of the home can help us a lot with time and health. For example like we watched in the video, everything is controlled by 1 thing. So we can do a lot of things in a couple of minutes instead of walking all around the house trying to do work. It also helps us bond more with our families, because we would have more time to spend with our families. But i think our health would go down, because we wouldn't do that much physical activity.

Monday 14 March 2011

Recorded Sound Homework

My 4 examples of recorded sound that is not broadcast are:

-Record Disk

Monday 7 March 2011

ICT What is Diversity and Why do we have to respect it Response.

I think Diversity is the difference that people have to each other. Every person is different, and there are many different groups with diverse cultures and languages. To me Diversity is the unique and different style that makes you different in so many ways.

We should respect diversity because if everyone was the same, then we wouldn’t really know much about the world and each other. Diversity helps us understand more about the different people and cultures we live with. If we respect the different people we live with then there would be less war which would make the world a better place for society.

I grade myself 8 because i think my response it not that bad, but it's also not perfect. Something that i could do to improve my response it to use better words that fit or make better sentences that catch people's attention.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Tet Homework

1)The similarities and differences between the 2 versions are that the electronic version has more images and videos than the newspaper. The newspaper only has text and sometimes some pictures, but no videos. While the electronic version also has sound. And it's also easier to read news on a TV or a computer, because you just have to go to the TV or Computer, turn it on and search for news. If you don't like the news that they are featuring you could just searching a new article. But if you have a newspaper you have to go and buy it, or wait for someone to get it for you. And if you didn't like the stories or the way the wrote the newspaper you had to go to buy a new one or wait again.

2) The electronic version makes people more comfortable with the information, because there are images and videos that help you imagine that you were there when it happens. If the information was posted by the government then i would think that the information on the internet is trustworthy, but i don't think is it, sometimes information on the internet or TV is true, but you should trust it that much. So i think the newspaper would be better and more trustworthy.

Thursday 13 January 2011

"Survey Results"

1. The 1st trend was the gender for the most popular celebrity was Male.
2. The 2nd trend was the favorite type of celebrity, and the most favorite type of celebrity was Youtubers.
3.The last trend was what they wanted to know more about their favorite celebrity was their life.

My newspaper report will be about a male youtubers life.

Monday 10 January 2011


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

My Holiday

My Holiday was very boring. All i did was stay home and play games or watch T.V. But over the holidays my sister got big protective glasses. The thing that surprised me was that when i wore them my sister said that i actually look better with glasses then without glasses. Something that made my heart tender is when my internet broke and i had to go to the coffee shop to go online and chat with my friends. And lastly the thing that made me say "WOW" was at the coffee shop. All of the people there were from the same company that my father works for. They all brought magazines and introduces new people into the company there.

What I've Learned in ICT last year

Wordle: ICT Review